Accounting - Warsaw

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When Ukrainians decide to move to the United States, they often look for the most accessible jobs with minimal candidate requirements. However, if you are a qualified specialist with a university degree and experience in a particular field, you may be more interested in a career related to your profession.

For example, in the financial sector, you can often find some work. An accountant is one of the most common vacancies in this area. Not only Americans but also migrants can get this job, but there are usually definite requirements for candidates.

What skills do you need to work as an accountant in America?

Of course, to be employed in the financial sector, you need to have a relevant education. On our Ukrainian USA and Canada website, there are ads for accountants, chief accountants, and assistants. You just need to read the requirements for the candidate carefully and send your CV. There are even variants when the employer is ready to hire a person after studying. The main requirements for accountants are the following:

  • Higher education and a diploma in accounting, finance or related professions.
  • Good English.
  • Knowledge of basic accounting software and ability to work with it.
  • Analytical skills.
  • Work experience as an accountant.

Some employers are looking for an accountant who has worked in the United States. So, pay attention on this when you are looking for vacancies. An accountant in America is a high-paid job, so, look through the ads and choose those that you like the most.

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