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Мережа салонів у США шукає адміністратора

Мережа салонів у США шукає адміністратора з ДОБРОЮ АНГЛІЙСЬКОЮ в салон у Чикаго. Компанія пропонує хороші умови та графік роботи.

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Published: 10.12.2023
Шукаємо підприємців

Шукаємо людей, у кого вже був досвід роботи на себе або тих, хто хоче розпочати свою справу. Розглядаємо можливість співпраці як о...

Published: 04.07.2023
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Jobs in Chicago

Today, more and more Ukrainians are thinking about moving to the USA. The United States is a country of great opportunities, where anyone can achieve their dreams. But to build a good life and realize your plans, you need to work hard.

There are all kinds of jobs for immigrants as well as for Americans. Chicago, for example, can offer jobs for people without language knowledge and special skills, and also for highly qualified professionals.

Chicago is a city where dreams come true!

As you know, Chicago is one of the largest megalopolises in America. And even though it can be difficult to start a new life in such a city, migrants from Ukraine often choose it. The thing is that Chicago is an international center of culture and finance, and some world-famous companies are based here.

Ukrainians with good knowledge of English can easily apply as office employees, managers, financiers, and accountants. There are also other professions that are often chosen by migrants:

  • Specialists in the sphere of beauty.
  • Packers and warehouse workers.
  • Drivers (taxis, trucks, personal drivers for heads of various companies).
  • Car mechanics.
  • Couriers.

You can find these and many other offers on the job board on our website Ukrainian USA and Canada. There are also vacancies in Chicago for Ukrainians in the areas of culture and sports, trade, and restaurant business. You just have to choose the direction you like.

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