Опубліковано: 15.02.2023

Старший архітектор технологій Azure

  • Ціна $120 - 160 /
  • Місто Оттава
  • Тип зайнятості
  • Тип оголошення Робота


Duration: 1-year initial contract

Security Clearance: Secret

Language: English

As a science department, our client stands to benefit tremendously from the ability to dynamically provision large workloads in the cloud. The cloud can transform the our clients model to a utility model, where they can handle massive workloads in the cloud on-demand without the legacy approach of lengthy procurement and ever greening processes

Our client requires resources working Microsoft Azure, to provide services for the design, development, implementation, administration, maintenance and support of their cloud based applications, workloads, platforms, and services. This includes cloud adoption plans, cloud application design, cloud management, and cloud operation, support, and monitoring.


  • 8 years experience as a technology architect
  • 3 years experience working with Azure Cloud Services (Infrastructure, strategy)
  • Hold a valid Azure Expert certification
  • 5 years experience as a technology architect working in production environments involving server, storage and network architecture (including virtual or cloud environments)

Tasks Include:

  • Execute the departmental cloud migration and adoption plan by implementing the cloud target architecture (including Platform as a Service – PaaS, Software as a Service – SaaS and Infrastructure as a Service – IaaS as well as emerging technologies) leveraging the CSP compute, storage, security and network services.
  • Develop and maintain scripts for automation, templates and utilities to deploy and configure applications and cloud services using such tools as Ansible, Terraform, Bash, PowerShell and/or JSON.
  • Implement and maintain security controls and processes based on Government of Canada standards and industry best practices to secure cloud environment networks, applications and services.
  • Develop, implement and maintain identity management solutions to access cloud environments, applications and services based on Government of Canada standards and industry best practices.
  • Develop, implement and maintain processes and procedures for Audit and security logs within the CSP based on Government of Canada standards and industry best practices to secure cloud environment networks, applications and services.
  • Set up cloud resources such as subnets, network access control lists, and security groups.
  • Develop hybrid connectivity solutions (on premise to CSP and/or multiple CSPs).
  • Provide workload migration plans and solutions for cloud initiatives such as but not limited to (Proof of Concepts (PoC), Pilots, New Applications as well as existing legacy applications).
  • Develop cloud based storage solutions for DFO end users to save data in the cloud.
  • Develop cloud based archive and backup solutions for DFO systems in the cloud.
  • Develop Big Data storage and compute solutions for DFO Data Scientists.


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